CLE Course – March 28, 2019, Litigation Strategies on Dealing with Social Media and Attorney Ethics.

October 1, 2019 | by Wong Fleming

Title: Litigation Strategies on Dealing with Social Media and Attorney Ethics.

Classification: Ethics

Difficulty Code: Intermediate

Media Type: Live presentation with faculty

Date/Time: Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 1:30pm-2:30pm

Total Credits: Ethics: 1




This CLE focuses on key litigation strategies and the best approaches for attorneys to handle social media and remain ethical in their daily practice. While a high level overview of relevant privileges will be provided, it will have an emphasis on how they apply in a corporate setting and provide practical examples. Information sharing technology such as email and networking platforms will be reviewed in terms of ethics and how they impact the litigation environment.


Provider Details


Address: 821 Alexander Road, Suite 200

Princeton, NJ 08540

Phone: (609) 951-9520

Fax: (609) 951-0270


To register for this program please contact the course provider.