Partner Florelee Wan will be a panelist for the Mercer County Bar Association’s CLE program on May 11, 2021, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EST. The program, entitled “Promoting Diversity: How the ‘Model Minority’ Experiences Discrimination,” will discuss how the “model minority” experiences discrimination in the law profession. Participants will hear from practitioners from the Asian American and Indian American communities on microaggressions and unconscious biases they face and learn how to be a better upstander when you witness these events in your firm, in the courtroom, and in the law profession.
To register for the CLE visit the link here.
Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey, APALA-NJ, is one of the sponsors of the event. Partner Florelee Wan is the former president of APALA-NJ, which was founded in 1985 and incorporated in 1993; it is the largest specialty bar association that collectively represents the interests of Asian and Pacific American lawyers in the State of New Jersey.